Hainline's Yong Lee Dunbar Attends Jeffersonian Dinner on STEM Education and Equity
Yong Lee Dunbar, Hainline’s Director of K-12 Construction Services, recently attended a Jeffersonian Dinner* on STEM Education and Equity, hosted by Washington STEM’s CEO, Caroline King. The issues of gender equity, accessibility, and advocacy in STEM outreach were common discussion points in the shared stories of each participant. Attendees included Washington STEM’s Caroline King, and Matt Cronin, along with nine other executives from Skanska, Avvo, Kaiser Permanente, etc. among the 11 participants.
* A Jeffersonian Dinner, dating back to Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, is a dinner that includes around 8-14 participants, all gathered to discuss one topic over the course of a meal. Everyone engages, everyone listens, everyone arrives with a particular viewpoint, and everyone leaves with a more nuanced perspective on the given topic. The purpose of the Jeffersonian Dinner is to bring together professional executives from diverse backgrounds and professions, to engage in conversation, bringing each individual’s expertise and experience to bare.
Hainline is updating and relaunching its website in the coming weeks. Look for an article on our “Insights” page for Yong’s synopsis of the Jeffersonian Dinner, especially regarding the discussions held on equity in STEM Education, and the importance of STEM in Washington’s K12 schools, coming soon.